Thursday, October 31, 2013 Y 2:34 AM

mmmtay, so one reason why I started this mixtape series was to get people to 1) have creative freedom and 2) so I can get people to go outside their box -- or at least the box we perceive them to run through, publicly that is.

So as you know I work out tons and well during our walk one day I just was like OMGG who do I get to make mixtapes for me so I did what I did last time, SPOTIFYYY (set to the Cosmonaut Grecho station). I decided to invite Teen Daze ultimately because of his Young Liars remix. Why did I ask him to be inspired by heavy metal? I dnk, probably the name. It was interesting that later on while I was researching more about Teen Daze that one of his P4k's "review" (it was more of an elevated bitchfest) that the writer was making fun of the name and all this crap that had more to do about genre posers than the actual album -- so it was interesting, giving someone who makes pretty music that would play out of meadows of lilies and spring water, the chance to be inspired by heavy metal.

The mixtape, like heavy metal, and like teen feels, is so angst. It's so dynamic and it oddly enough does touch on what heavy metal is, to me, at least. Cuz you know, even though the sound is all hard the lyrics, if they were set to an acoustic set and sung by Michelle Branch would be all feel -- like how can you even hold all these feels(´_`)

I love it, it made me feel, even when I listened to it while biking, and it made me remember, especially towards the end how at the end of one of my episodes all I wanna do is rage. Which kinda reminds me of my friend Alex who told me she likes being punched in the face. Which is why she likes to be in mosh pits.

Catch Teen Daze in Chicago Saturday October 12 at Beauty Bar! I'll be there, so come squeeze my butt *teehee*

Also download Teen Daze's new album Glacier via


The Microphones - (something)

Koreless - Sun

The Knife - Forest Families

Jon Hopkins - Breathe This Air

Sigur Ros - Untitled 6

Ulfur - Molasses

Mirrorring - Mirror Of Our Sleeping

Mount Eerie - Pale Lights

Grouper - When We Fall

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Y 2:24 AM

In the beginning I was one of those people that thought that somehow there was some sort of way to become, or at least, create art. Of which is total shit. The only real way it to constantly express yourself and to also allow yourself to live and maybe sometimes not do something "creative". Sometimes you have to absorb and gain to be able to express. What can one express if there is nothing happening to you, vero? So this kinda leads to the lateness in my posts but really I've only been late a week or two, 10 days to share our EP to be exact but yes it is true -- so much can happen in 10 days, let alone one minute or 2 seconds.

So for me this EP really captured for me just emotions I was living and dealing with that would in many ways sound explicitly deranged if spoken out but luckily Boyfriend and I somehow in someways communicate with each other even if I can be extrely unfiltered, with no censor bar, as life should be. Becuase if we all want to censor our true feelings we are therefore invalidating a flow of information and ideas as well as experiences. So for me this EP, while I have my many thoughts on would rather have each person listen to and of course make their own judgements on it. I'm so proud of both of us in the success that we have had and even if nothing ever happened I would be so happy to be able to list off the things that have occured to us. We will continue to work but for now this is our EP. And yes, the album cover looks effed up above, it looks like it does below

danke schön to: the illuminati, Ophex, Teenage Tasteless, our fans, and Embody <3


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Y 2:12 AM

So this was the bonus track that I was talking about before in this post for the Screamin' Rachael: Queen of House album. So I designed the vinyl for it and I also made the album cover for the digital store which mirrors the b-side of the album. The pressing plant was originally against the b-side and later on I learned they did not want the vinyl to be colored. Both of which I obviously implemented for the design. The vinyl sold out, duh. You can find both things online.

get'er digitally here:


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Wednesday, October 2, 2013 Y 2:28 AM

So I contributed two pieces (one being an excerpt from my upcoming book, RBL) to the Sad Childhood zine and so obviously I was sent one extra one to give away!!! If you want to win this just tweet me (@cruz9725) and tell me where you would read it! The most interesting tweet will win :)

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